Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Zogby: Jesse Jackson Jr. Leads Field of Obama Senate Successors

Zogby poll indicates Jesse Jackson Jr leads poll of Illinois voters to replace Senate  seat vacated by Pres-elect Obama. In press conference this week in Chicago, Pres-elect said that it was the Governor's call and he was staying out of it.

Congressman Jackson has been out front somewhat campaigning for it

Some press reports have mentioned too-Valerie Jarrett.  Her name is everywhere and being mentioned for a number of posts--HUD, White House advisor etc. She knows and understands what a city is. She is of Chicago and has been there with Mayor Daley .  I would rather have her somewhere working with cities and our metro economies. Maybe a waste to have her in Senate!

No doubt about it, she was right on during Meet The Press Sunday when she talked about the need for local governments to have the focus of Pres-elect. She has also mentioned this week that there will be a new office in The Obama White House to work with us as we go forward. 

Read: Zogby.com

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