Friday, June 20, 2008

Vice Presidential Short List--Two Power Players Face the Powerful Mayors

As we convene our 76th Annual Conference of Mayors in Miami today, it is worth noting that we have two Governors who are being mentioned by many political observers as running mates for Senators Obama and Senator McCain.
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is no stranger to us and our organization. As Mayor of Philadelphia, he turned that city around from a financial crisis and emerged to worlk closely with us to forge a Crime Bill during the Clinton years. Next month he becomes Chair of the National Governors Association and he was quite visible in the Hillary Clinton camp during the current Presidential primary campaign. On Sunday morning at eleven o'clock July 23--- Governor Rendell will speak to us on the subject of the need to modernize our national infrastructure.

On the Republican side, Florida Governor Charlie Crist will address our mayoral delegates at our closing luncheon on. Monday June 23. Governor Crist was key to Senator McCain whipping them all and lknocking our former NYC Rudy Giuliani in the quest to win the Republican sweepstakes and become the presumptive Republican nominee that he is today. Crist seems tanned and ready. Just this week he reversed his positoion on the oil drilling ban and lined himself up even more with McCain. Crist is an attractive and vibrant and fit--- with movie star looks and recently drew great tabloid and pop press as he appeared in Washington DC for the black tie Washington White House Correspondents Dinner. He looked at home among the glitz and the glamour and all agree that McCain needs a little of both as Obama has the "rock star" image of change energy and excitement

So its more than the wonky world we live in of providing basic city services of daily city life to milliopns of citizens. . Its much about the tv and what happens on the tv--- the box.
Both Rendell and Crist can handle themselves and come across as good or better than most on television.

I am not picking or predicting today. I am just telling you they are here on Sunday and Monday for you to look over and decide for yourself. If not VEEP, one or another could end up in the Cabinet that will be announced later this year in December. They are power players on the national stage of today. And they are where the power is---the mayors of the United States of America.

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