Thursday, June 12, 2008

Senator Obama to Address Mayors in Miami

The Obama Campaign has confirmed with me today that the Democratic Nominee Senator Barack Obama will address the 76th Annual Conference of Mayors Saturday at noon on June 21st at our City Livability Luncheon. He is scheduled to speak at 12:30 p.m. This is good news since this is his first appearance before any Annual Meeting or Winter Meeting of The US Conference of Mayors.

Many Obama Mayors have worked hard to secure the Democratic Nomination. And many Hillary mayors will now become Obama mayors. Isn't politics fun?

Senator Clinton, invited earlier, may still address our Annual Meeting. She has been with us many times in the past and we will continue to appreciate her leadership on our issues.

As to Senator McCain's attendance, we met with him two weeks ago in Chicago and his appearance before our Annual Meeting looked promising. Miami Mayor Manny Diaz has enlisted Governor Crist and Senator Mel Martinez to help us get Senator McCain there. Senator McCain addressed us in New Orleans when he was running in 2000. He also addressed our Annual Meeting in Las Vegas in 2006 and received a standing ovation.

It is important to note also that possible top vice presidential candidates will be with us in Miami. On the Democratic side, we have former Philadelphia Mayor, Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania. On the Republican side, we all know that Governor Crist is definitely on the McCain short list.

Another significant participant is former President Bill Clinton who will give our Mayoral delegates a report on the progress of the recently signed Conference of Mayors/Clinton Foundation Agreement on Climate Change. Look for President Clinton in our Plenary Session on Sunday morning.

More later as our world turns...


rb anderson said...

The US Mayor's want to boycott Alberta OIL sands oil, maybe we should cut off the taps to our water,our lumber,our natural gas,and anything else the yanks want from us,I am sick and tired of you alls knocking us for this and that,but when they need our natuarl resource's they are first in line with their hands out. So much for good neibourly relations hey,give them nothing

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Lawrence Rosier said...

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