Sunday, March 1, 2009

Diaz Blasts Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal for Recent Statement on the Arts

Governor Bobby Jindal had the audacity to say in recent states that arts federal funds have nothing to do with stimulating the national economy. Conference President Diaz has responded. See article.

1 comment:

The Red Mieni said...

In USA Today you were quoted as saying:

"As a country, we seem to be more interested in the orgin of tainted pistacios, peanuts and ice cream than the people who are being killed in our cities."

If this is an accurate quote, then you my friend, are one ignorant man. Do you realize the importance of safe, non-tainted food in regards to it's impact on public health and consumer confidence? If you have anything to do with being a mayor, then your county surely had a public health department with a number of epidemiologists that were specifically designated towards tracking and investigating foodborne illnesses, right?

You fail to realize that foodborne illness and violent behavior are not mutually exclusive problems. Any good good community leader should have a plan in place to contain and remedy both problems.